Product Review: Zedena Designs Necklaces

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Bronze wax seal 2

A couple weeks ago, I met with  Melissa Williams, the local designer behind Zedena Designs, to check out her adorable pendant necklaces and sparkily goods. Beyond her being adorably delightful, her pieces are such a fun light weight additions to an accessory collection.

She is most famous for her Wax Seal Necklace. These necklaces are handcrafted out of bronze, stamped with an initial and come on 18″ hand antiqued brass chains. She vouches that the brass chains are antiqued in a 100% eco friendly manner, and the chain will change color over time as it naturally ages, but don’t think that means it will turn color like a Forever 21 piece of jewelry. (A hint to keep the ancient look of the piece to avoid putting jewelry cleaner, perfumes, hairsprays, or other chemicals on the piece.) These make fabulous gifts.


Her other collections are the Stella-Filigrana and Enamel Picture Songbird. The first are magical looking stones, while the other reminds me of a piece of Anthropologie goodness. Also, great gift ideas, especially if you want something custom made, which she does for free if you are buying a bunch for group gifts, like a bridal party.

She began the line in 2007 when her husband was on a deployment. With all the time on her hands, she put her hands to work, enjoying the craft making that she used to do with her Grandmother, which is who the line is named after. When her husband came home to find all these hundreds pieces of jewelry, he gently suggested she start selling them. When she was telling me this story, I laughed picturing the scene… him walking in the door to find his wife covered in jewels.


If you are going to order online, put in code VStyle15 to get 15% off. Valid through June 15th.

My product reviews are my honest and personal opinion. I never accept payment for product reviews although I am given the sample to keep. If I am sent something that is unimpressive or boring I don’t write about it.

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