Stylish And Compact Cross Body Purses

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Updated April 2018

If you haven’t noticed, the compact cross body bag is available for sale in numerous boutiques, department stores and on-line retailers. It is about time. A few years ago the only cross body bag you could find were designed for middle-aged tourists or college boys. Now the fashionably inclined get the pick of the litter. I recommended stocking up if you are a fan of the utilitarian look – you never know how long it takes designers and buyers to give up on a cause.

Personally, I adore the cross body bag for the numerous moments in my life when I want my hands free: travel, casual parties, jean looks, window-shopping, a day at the park, and, of course, insert your hands free occasion here. There is also something very hip and chic about it. The cross body bag on a person seems to speak loudly to everyone around, “I am too interesting to have my hands occupied with a clutch or large sac of a purse. My hands and arms are now free to perform intelligent or risqué activities.”

The cross body bag that I am sporting at my down the street restaurant is from
 Compact and stylish I can hold my wallet necessities, camera, phone, gum and lip balm comfortably when I go for a more urban or casual chic look.

Remi & Reid:


Lodis Los Angeles:


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6 Responses

  1. Hi Vanessa! Just wanted to drop a line and compliment you on your blog. I found your site not too long ago and the content continually draws me in with useful fashion tips and inspiration.
    You can find me jewelry blogging at

  2. Great Vanessa! This looks great. I love the colour of your bags!I love the prints and the patterns! I like these good collections and I am contented with your post!

  3. Wow, I love the Cross black/white bag. That Betsey Johnson looks so much fun! I want them both! <3x2

  4. Great collection. I like carrying the cross body bags than normal handbags as they are comfortable to carry and move with our body when we walk.

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