Evironmentally Conscious Optics by Dragon Alliance

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I have another environmentally helpful goody for you! You know I love such things. Dragon Alliance, the producer of surfer chic shades, is introducing Environmentally Conscious Optics (E.C.O). It began as an initiative to investigate methods of manufacturing environmentally friendly sunglasses. The result is one of the first sunglasses made from 100% renewable origin, meaning Mother Nature replenishes the material used for the sunglass at the same rate that it is consumed.

The E.C.O. will launch as part of Rob Machado’s unisex Experience collection, which includes FSC certified packaging material and comes with 100% organic cotton bags, printed with water-based ink. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Managed Forests deals with proper forest management and ensures that the trees used to make the paper are from well-managed forests designated for papermaking.

The pair of sunglasses  that I had arrive in such fabulously certified packaging was the mellow tort.Experience_MellowTort_sunglasses.psd

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