Jennifer Lopez in The Back-Up Plan

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Last night I saw a pre screening of The Back-Up Plan starring Jennifer Lopez and Alex O’Loughlin. Although there are numerous funny occurrences and one screaming good scene, the middle drags and the cheese factor reaches uncomfortable levels. Plus most of the movie is unrealistic both emotionally and physically. The desirable side, there is an unconventional hot guy and Jennifer Lopez is truly looking fabulous.


The costume designer Karen Patch chose a sexy bohemian look for this baby hungry crazy woman. With fake eyelashes, Jennifer Lopez as Zoey begins the movie in a Missoni-esque thigh length sweater belted over a simple dress with killer black boots. A fabulous look.


She is also shown wearing a shoulder bearing jumpsuit with harem pants that I must have! Her jewelry is marvelous too with a leather wrap bracelet and fabulous gold earrings used a couple different times throughout the movie. As a pregnant woman her style takes a bit of a downturn, but her short sleeve trench is a must have for any woman with or without child. She also did look quite good as pregnant bridesmaid. Anyone with a pregnant bridesmaid should check out this movie.

Basically, if you adore Jennifer Lopez, you will love this movie, if you don’t you won’t. The Back-Up Plan opens in select markets tomorrow, Friday.


I saw this movie for free.


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10 Responses

  1. I can’t say that I’m surprised. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Jennifer but most of her movies of late have all been the same, with her bring the same lame performance. She is extremely talented just not as an actor.

  2. Hi,
    can somebody tell me where can i get j-lo’s purse, bracelet and the blue jumpsuit she wear in the movie the back-up plan. please.

  3. Has Jen lost a lot of weight or what? I read somewhere she’s on this diet where she’s lost over 50 pounds after the birth of her twins. Ain’t that something!

  4. jennifer lopez wears a low back halter with jeans when she visits the guy’s farm in the movie… any idea who the designer is?

  5. does anyone what designer makes the pink a-line dress with the beaded neck that is in the “price tag scene? i need that dress!!

  6. My favorite was the brown leather cuff, J.Lo wore it in almost every scene. Love it!
    I found out it’s done by Kendall Conrad, and it can be bought on internet
    I discovered my fav new leather designer!

  7. Im looking for the navy romper too and cant find the designer anywhere! Also, the black heels she was wearing with the dress that had the tag on it still in the movie. Anyone know who the designer is for these 2 items?

  8. did you ever find either of them items?

  9. Hi did you ever find out where the halter is from?

  10. Did anyone ever find out where the halter is from?

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