The Perfect Hammered Bangles

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I've been going out less. Less parties, less cocktails, less events, less socializing. I have taken on too many clients and I get up too early for pilates and runs. My dedication to my work and my body has gotten out of hand. How did I let this go on unchecked? I have never been one to miss out on adventurous evening fun time, and now look at me. Rich and fit and completely neglecting the edgier side of my wardrobe. I am ashamed of myself. Day in, day out I am sporting simply chic outfits that I'm barely aware I am wearing. I have no choice when my days are filled with runs across the mall, hauling heavy items, and kneeling on the floor to play with pant hems. My, now all consuming, job demands this comfortable, almost sporty look of flats, wedges, shift dresses and J.Crew's minnie pant. Yes, I am still very stylish, but there's nothing at all complicated about the looks I wear with clients. No feathers, elaborate heels or piles of jewels. Last night it really hit. As I was getting ready to attend a Finest City's improv show, I was craving complicated. I wanted heels! I wanted bracelets! More bracelets! And more! I put on as many bracelets as I owned that complimented my ASTR dress and covered my face in blue eye shadow and still I felt under dressed. I suddenly wished my heels were even higher and my dress crazier, but I hadn't the time to switch.


I vow to bring my social life back. I vow to drink more, and I vow to dive back into outfits and garments that really let me know they are on me. When you are aware of your outfit (in a positive way) it can transform you. I miss the way eccentric clothing would alter my personality. I do love my tremendously comfortable chic wear, but too much comfort really brings out the logical version of us. It puts the focus on everything outside ourselves, which is amazing 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time I want to tap into the other versions of me. Nothing does that faster than 3-inch heels and endless bangles… ahhhh bangles. Bangles are the best. They make me feel sexy, cool and interesting. They also go with nearly every outfit. The night me is dying to pile them all over my arms, but the work me loves to play with 1-5. A bangles purchase is a win-win.

I put on the search for the perfect bangle. To my absolute pleasure I found Kris Nations as well as fabulous gypsy decor by Lauren Ralph Lauren. (Both are available in silver and gold.) Kris Nation's stacking bangles comes in 5's and are made from recycled 14k gold filled for $119. I adore their lightweight and silent presence. The Lauren Ralph Lauren bangles are not real gold, but less expensive at $68 for 20. They are great quality for a gold imitation, loud, medium weight and are oval shaped for a fantastic piled on look when they dance on your wrists. Singled out and pulled close to the eye, the Ralph Lauren bangle looks a bit cheap, but altogether on your arm, they are absolutely luxe. I bought both my discoveries. The Lauren look is exactly the kind of awareness of fashion I am looking for, while the subtler Kris Nations stack of five is great for my work days. I actually want to buy four more stacks of the Kris Nations pieces to enable even more bangle pile options, but I must not spend $500 on bangles after some recent purchases I made for myself at Nordstrom and J.Crew. Talk about personal shopping. 

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2 Responses

  1. “I vow to drink more, and I vow to dive back into outfits and garments that really let me know they are on me” = PRICELESS
    i gotta admit, the “i vow to drink more” is what really caught my eye:)
    hope u have a wonderful rest of the month & DRESS THE HELL UP!
    (long time lurker)

  2. Hi Nancy!
    I am so pleased to hear of your long time lurking and enjoyment of my booze and fashion vow. I am sure you will be delighted to know, last night I drank three glasses of wine and had a shot of saki in a ridiculous skirt and absurd heels 😉 It was nice to be out on a Tuesday. Have a wonderful day! Keep lurking!
    – Vanessa 🙂

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