Vanity Fair’s Hollywood Issue Redone

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I love a good giggle and that was what I was treated to when a reader sent me a photo in reference to my recent blog on Vanity Fair's March Issue. Sita young, a model and actress in Hollywood got together her actor friends last weekend and did a play on the photo.

In place of the "skinny white girls" we have a (still skinny) rainbow of another cup of tea. We have Juli who is Cuban, Taye – an African American, Sita Young who is half African American and Jewish, Jenn who is Jewish and gay, Daheli an African American as well, Jane – white and gay, Anna K who is Pakistani, Ja'que a white drag queen and Amelia who is half Italian and half Argentinean. All the girls on the cover are actresses in Hollywood with work seen on Mad TV, Reno 911, Yes Man and The Ghost Whisper to name a few. 

Cheers to an intelligent spoof.


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