In the UPS store yesterday I heard a woman say, “I f–ked up this year” after the cashier informed her the packages she was sending would arrive after December 25th. I think a lot of people are saying this to themselves right now. We have such high hopes on December 1st, and then December 20th roles around with very little done. Oops. C’est la vie. This is why we love Amazon Prime and other stores that provide prompt shipping. Get these inexpensive, last-minute gifts sent to you or send them straight to your friends and family.
Questions For My Father: Finding the Man Behind Your Dad
This book, Questions For My Father: Finding the Man Behind Your Dad, is for all you folks with tight-lipped, emotionally-impenetrable parents. And don’t let the title fool you. Ask the same questions to your cold mother. I find this book especially interesting for immigrant parents. Obviously, it works for warm parents too, but it is incredibly revealing for those who do not have an intimate relationship with their parents. I talked to a friend recently who was very hurt that her father didn’t “see” her. Knowing enough about her father, I told her he would never have the privilege of “seeing” her. But she could have the privilege of understanding and getting to know him.
BP Ombré Cozy Wrap

This yummy BP Ombré Cozy Wrap is perfect for those who wear a lot of earth tones or light colors.
Nordstrom Eyelash Trim Print Cashmere & Silk Wrap

There is a reason scarves are so popular as gifts: they fit everyone and are gorgeous. Not everyone knows how to wear them, so direct them to YouTube after you give the Nordstrom Eyelash Trim Print Cashmere & Silk Wrap to someone who never wears scarves.
Kate Spade New York brush bloom silk scarf

This Kate Spade New York brush bloom silk scarf is wonderfully versatile. You can pair it with black and lighter colors due to its diverse print.
Winc Unwind with Summer Water

You may have seen my love for Winc on my Instagram. Well, here is some more love. I highly recommend it. Winc is a well-priced, beautifully run, sustainable minded, subscription wine service. That in itself is fabulous, but what makes it so perfect is this one wine I had from them: Summer Water. I love Summer Water as much as I love Prosecco — crazy I know! For anyone who likes delicious wine, sleep masks, and stemless wine glasses, get this Winc Unwind with Summer Water gift set. If that’s too many bells and whistles, just give them a Winc Membership. They have gift cards.
Target Wondershop casual socks

I went on a road trip recently with a bunch of girlfriends and the driver got all us girls these delightful Target Wondershop casual socks. We were enamored with the festive print and yummy softness. Plus, they are $3. Give them to everyone you know. I own the T-Rex pair.
Amica Gold Champagne Stopper

I personally want 15 of these Amica Gold Champagne Stoppers. There is always so much pressure (pun intended) to finish a bottle of bubbles. Champagne stoppers really do keep the fizz intact. I actually used one that kept the bubbles drinkably fresh for 10 days!
Hue Women’s Cotton Body Socks

The Hue Women’s Cotton Body Socks are the best bootie sock I have ever tried. These are soft, smooth, fitted, and hit just the right height for most booties.
Belle Donne Women Yoga Shorts

I adore lounging in these Belle Donne Women Yoga Shorts. I bought four similar pairs of these 10 years ago and have been looking for a replacement ever since. Alas, they have been found. They are not tight, or too loose. They are soft and flattering. And cheap. Perfect.
Dissent Pins Count Every Vote Pin

I am a huge fan of voting. For any of your friends who also feels passionate about voting, give them this Dissent Pins Count Every Vote Pin. It is a high-quality pin that reveals one’s devotion to American citizenship.