My Beauty Secret – The Best Multivitamin For Women

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best multivitamin for women

I have been wanting to publicly rave about Garden of Life Vitamin Code for quite sometime, but felt it was slightly inappropriate for V-Style, and then I realized this vitamin was actually making my hair thicker. Suddenly the best multivitamin for women went from a health topic to a beauty story, but let’s start from the beginning. Over the years I have read various articles on multivitamins that mention the uselessness of synthetic vitamins. I am not sure where, but I eventually came upon the advice to take a raw food vitamin. Finally, I walked into Whole Foods and took the time to find a vitamin that said, “Raw.” Vitamin Code sat there smiling at me. For about half a year, I took one a day and didn’t really see why I kept paying more for it. Then I took a moment to read the instructions. Turns out, you need to take four a day. Two in the morning and two at night. I hit my palm to my head and did as instructed. Within a few weeks it became apparent why this is the best multivitamin for women. It’s the best multivitamin for women because…

You Don’t Need To Take It With Food

If I take a standard vitamin on an empty stomach I feel nauseous. I do not get nauseous with Vitamin Code. I assume it is because the vitamin is actually food and not chemicals, but I am not one to say the reason as I am not an expert in vitamins, health, chemistry or biology. All I can tell you is the bottle states you can take it without food, and I can personally report it is absolutely true.

It Stops You From Getting Sick/er

I have been getting sick every time I fly the past few years. It disrupts my trip, and being sick is not attractive. (See, this is a beauty story.) I get sick less now, but what’s far more interesting is these vitamins can halt a cold. I have never been wowed like these vitamins wowed me a few months ago. I started to get sick after a flight, and when I get sick, I get sick. There is no stopping it and it lasts for at least ten days. I know this, but I still tried to stop it. I popped one of these multivitamins every two hours for a day and it absolutely stopped me from getting sicker. I have never, ever in my life experienced this. I cannot explain to you the awe I felt for these vitamins. It did it for me again last week. I felt a sore throat and stuffed up nose coming on bad. I did what I did last time – I took a pill every other hour and it left. Gone. Amazing. Best multivitamin to ever touch my system.

It Makes Your Hair Thicker

I’ve noticed that my nails have been growing like weeds. That was easy to tell, but it took me awhile to notice it is affecting my hair as well.  My useless head of hair is actually a little thicker, healthier and finally growing a bit. You know how exited that makes me.

It Has Made Me Thinner?

This was a bit of a shock, but apparently consuming live probiotics and enzymes helps with digestion, therefore it can assist with weight loss. Vitamin Code contains both live probiotics and enzymes. Again, I am no expert and I could be crazy, but I am a few pounds leaner and I am not sure why. I have not changed my lifestyle, except I have down graded my running to three times a week instead of five. I assume that should not lead to weight loss. It seems crazy, but I thought I would mention it.

You can purchase Vitamin Code at most health food stores and vitamin shops, but they are about $10 less expensive at Some people prefer to get them at their local store because they worry about the probiotics and nutrients staying alive through delivery, but I personally order through Amazon and I still see such great results.

I am not a doctor. I am a personal stylist that is wowed by this vitamin. I purchase these vitamins regularly. Vitamin Code is unaware of my writing about them.

Leave a note for Vanessa.

2 Responses

  1. Hey Vanessa.. Thanks for this post, I have been looking for something with all the benefits you mentioned. Got myself the 60 day bottle from Amazon.

    xxx Lauren

    1. Hi Lauren! I’m so pleased I could provide it for you! xoxo

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