A pair of jeans is the easiest garment to compliment your wardrobe. A true neutral, the right pair of jeans can be paired with 80% of your tops. Often I walk into my client's closet to find dated, pale blue jeans in a sloppy boot cut style. Knowing this, the majority of my clients ask me to bring new denim into their life. This request is immediately followed by suspicion, even fear, of a skinny jean.
After so many years in the stores, there are still countless women unsure of the skinny jean. Once I explain that a slim jean is necessary for tall boots as well as creating a tall and lean silhouette when wearing voluminous or longer tops, my clients become interested. For my clients with a 32-inch waist or smaller, I always show them a pair of Citizens of Humanity dark wash stretch skinny. My clients adore the comfort! They feel amazing and the fit is self-esteem raising – it is divine what these jeans can do for a lady's behind. Some of my clients get nervous at how exposed they feel, but the comfort and my confidence trumps their inexperience. The rest of my clients are in love at first sight.
For the clients that want a less revealing jean, I show them the Citizens of Humanity straight leg jean, which is a better denim for shoes with ankle straps or pointed toe heels. These are also more appropriate for a work environment (casual Friday anyone?).
As a side note, ignore the shoes Nordstrom has paired with these jeans in these two pictures. I don't have many fashion rules, but in general a patent leather heel is the last shoe I would pair with denim.