Katy Perry Wears Melissa by Vivienne Westwood

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Did you wear jellies as a kid? Maybe you put on some jellies a few years ago when they became available at Urban Outfitters. Either way you will be intrigued by Melissa. No, not your childhood friend Melissa.


Melissa is a shoe brand that is made of plastic. Created by Architect Zaha Hadid, Melissa was born in 2007. It has been described as “a celebration of design” and has drawn numerous high-end designer talents, including Vivienne Westwood.


Available on Patricia Field’s website for $125, Melissa by Vivienne Westwood are plastic kicks of yummy. Pictured above is Katy Perry rocking the Dragon Lady Pumps. My personals favorite is the orb pump in that stunning green. I can’t imagine how comfortable it is to wear a plastic pump so if you have worn them please comment your thoughts.

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One Response

  1. Well, Melissa wasn’t created by Zaha. The trade has more then 30 years and his original country is Brazil. Zaha, as Vivienne, were only partnerships that created models for Melissa. There were others that did de same, such as Judy Blame, Gaetano Pesce and J. Marskey.

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