Rose gold came to popularity in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Considering its origins, it used to be referred to as Russian gold, but with everyone embracing the copper-gold mix, that term died. Although available, it was hard to find five years ago. Now it's standard in any jewelry department from Nordstrom's Junior's section to Tiffany's. At it's first flush into major department stores, it was referred to as a trend. Soon enough, the trend talk dropped and the selection doubled. It is now a regular part of your metallic shopping, and perhaps your wardrobe. Like all metals, some shades look better on certain skin tones. The hue of rose gold or rose silver aren't the best on yellow skin tones and the most flattering shade of rose gold on everyone is the blushier pieces with a less percentage of alloys and copper. The more copper involved in the metal concoction the more orange-red it gets. While pink is delightful against most skin tones, orange-red is not.
When adding rose gold to your collection, be delighted by the variation out. Be picky and be sure to select more than one piece. Don't just get the earrings, get a ring and bracelet as well. And know rose gold is for all occasions whether it be dressy, work or everyday.
Michael Kors $180
Stephan & Co $8
Argento Vivo $98
St.John $326.98
Tiffany's $450
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