What To Carry In Your Purse For Emergencies

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what to carry in your purse

When you are freakishly busy, organization and preparation is essential. For me, it is the difference between a smooth day and an adult tantrum in my car. My life has me running from client to client, meeting to meeting, and occasionally ends with a social engagement or event. As many of you can relate, all this can happen in one day, in the same outfit, carrying the same purse from morning to evening. This is why my purse has an emergency kit. My little, clear make-up-bag-looking emergency kit is filled with these items listed below. Perhaps this list will give you ideas on what to carry in your purse…


I know I constantly go on and on about Topstick, but it is just perfect. If a button pops off your blouse, you can seal the gap with Topstick. If your bra strap keeps showing, you can tape it down in a position where it does not show. If you realize half-way through your day that your skirt hem is unraveling, you can tape it up. The list goes on.

Compeed Blister Relief Pack

Sometimes a new shoe surprises me and sometimes I surprise a trusted shoe and force them to work a ten hour day when my shoe was really made for a five hour day. Either way, a blister or irritation follows and I need immediate comfort, aka Compeed. It really blends into your foot’s skin color if you are olive toned or lighter, they actually stay in place, and they are wonderfully thick enough to provide comfort and protection of my wound. I also like the little case it comes in.


Vaseline has so many uses for me. Vaseline is for chapped lips, lubrication for a earring post tryign to go into a stubborn ear piercing, an impromptu make-up remover, and a poor-man’s moisturizer.

La Fresh Nail Polish Remover Wipes

Sometimes I let my manicure go way too long and don’t realize I have ragamuffin nails until I am driving to a meeting or a client. I absolutely adore these wipes because they are relatively eco-friendly, acetone free, they come in one time use packaging, and often cleans up all ten nails with one pad.

La Fresh Disinfectant Wipes

I am a big La Fresh fan. I love their alcohol-free wipes for sticky hands and if I spill something in my car.


I use Kiehls for my everyday moisturizer, but I use the compact and less expensive Weledea as my on-the-go moisturizer. I use it on my face, hands, legs or whatever part of me that gets dry in the middle of the day.

Lipstick Pencil

I carry a Make Up Forever lipliner in True Red and use it as a lipstick for the days I forget to put on make-up. I find as long as you have a bold red lip, people don’t really register that you are not wearing any other make-up.

Cashews and/or A Granola Bar

I always need an emergency snack, especially during long client sessions. I also like to offer them to my clients. I recently discovered that Trader Joe’s offers little packets of cashews that fit perfect in my emergency kit.

Never Too Hungover

Obviously I am way too busy to be hungover, so if I have more than three glasses of wine with friends or at an event, I reach into my purse and drink this miracle baby. It takes away the headache the next morning. It is the only hangover product I have tried that is noticeably and obviously effective. It’s worth every penny.

My blog posts are my honest and personal opinion. Sometimes my content includes products sent from companies or PR firms. In this case I was sent samples of Compeed. I purchased the rest of the items mentioned. When a free product is mentioned in a post it is always stated right here at the bottom of the post. If I am sent something that is unimpressive or boring I don’t write about it.

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